I have received the invitations for the Aljira Center for Contemporary Art's 2012 Fine Art Auction. I am extremely humbled to be a part of this great benefit for Aljira. Artist Nyugen E. Smith who originally introduced me to the Jersey City artist community during my internship with him in 2008 invited me to become a part of this amazing roster of talent and creativity spanning from new, emerging, and established fine artists. Seek list below in last image for more information on included artists, or visit the website by clicking the logo at the very top of this blog posting.
Honorees for leadership in the arts for the 2012 Auction are: Derek Adams, Chitra Ganesh, & John Ahern
Click above to see the original call for entries which was obviously hilarious.
Here's the official invitation for the exhibition. (click above)
HONK (I'm sorry I had to say it)
Photograph of doorway by Andrew Blaize Bovasso in the midst of a tornado of other art hopefuls.
Excuse me Miss, are you allowing photography? (Not a sound) Okay!
Where he belongs.
Lobster drawing by Katia DAVID Rosenthal.
Maurizio Cattelan and Marilyn Minter
Where I left my bud, 2012; digital image; varying dimensions. (I'm calling this one art)
Katia DAVID made this image of me and Maurizio Cattelan possible. As I snuck behind him to try and snap a photograph, I noticed that David was taking pictures the entire time and got a little freakishly excited. (As described above)
Me and David
Above: one of the included artists decided to take polariod images of all the artists in the show that she could possibly meet within the crowd that night. All in all - a great event that had everyone feeling a part of it. Small-small world.